I've been interested in photography since I was very young, I studied Photography and Fine Art at A Level back in 2004, but didn't own a camera until I started my career as a programmer in 2008, my very first pay packet went on buying a Canon 1000D which I owned for many years, many of which it sadly spent in the kit bag and not used.
Fast forward to 2016, when I decided to invest in a full frame camera to photograph the Bournemouth Air Festival - I setup a Facebook page to share some of the snaps from the day, hoping to reach a handful of friends and family and within a month that page had reached 500 followers, to my absolute astonishment and delight, and my crazy journey with the camera had begun..
The following years were spent on a bit of a "trophy hunt" around Dorset, shooting honeypot locations to keep my page growing, to keep the like counter high, to sell calendars and prints, to be published in national newspapers, to constantly try to feel successful based on how many likes my images had - a soul destroying exercise which hampered any creative development ultimately. This came to a head in 2018 when I made a conscious decision to start shooting for myself, and nobody else, regardless of how well (or badly) those images were received.
The images you see on my website today are a curated selection of what I feel is my best work, images I have enjoyed producing and collecting and I am proud to put my name to.
I now share my story with others to help inspire and re-energise those who feel they might be stuck in a rut without direction, you can book me for a club talk, or hire me for a one to one workshop. Get in touch for more information if you're interested.